Civic Literacy: Capitol Riot defendants and the right to bail before trial

In the United States, you’re considered innocent until you’ve been proven guilty in court. I should probably specify that you have to be proven guilty in a court of law and not just in the court of public opinion. About the right to bail before trial Since there’s a presumption of innocence, people who were … Read more

Critical Thinking: Britney Spears isn’t represented by the lawyer she chose. Is that allowed?

UPDATE (7/06/2021): TMZ reported that Spears’ attorney, Sam Ingham, plans on filing a request “to be dismissed as Britney’s court-appointed lawyer.” During her in-court statement last month, Britney Spears told the world about how her freedom has been limited under the conservatorship. Not being able to get married, have babies, or work under the terms … Read more

Critical Reading: It’s “legally fine” to only pull over Black drivers as long as they broke the law?? Not quite.

TL; DR: When you’re reading, always look for the missing details One of the many things people hate about lawyers is that they tend to never have a straight or easy answer to anything. But, here’s the thing: When it comes to the law, “it depends” is a perfectly valid answer because the answer will … Read more

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