Pre-order the new edition of Former Steeler Merril Hoge’s “Find a Way”

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On July 7th, 2020 Merril Hoge is releasing an updated edition of his book, “Find a Way.

Hoge is probably best known as the bruising Pittsburgh Steelers running back whose career was cut short by a traumatic brain injury who went on to spend 20 years as an analyst for ESPN.

In the first edition of “Find a Way,” Hoge used the story of his life to show the importance of rejecting excuses and having the tenacity to reach your goals and move past hard times.  While some motivational books are heavy on abstractions and platitudes but light on concrete steps, “Find a Way” shows how the key to perseverance can be as simple as making a goal and finding a way to reach it without making excuses.  The updated edition covers Hoge’s life over the 10 years since the original release.



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The Tiny Bookstore offers free shipping for all featured pre-orders. Click below to pre-order “Find a Way” with free shipping.

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More by Merril Hoge:

Brainwashed: The Bad Science Behind CTE and the Plot to Destroy Football  (Autographed Copy)


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