Homebrewer’s Corner: Imperial Organic Liquid Yeast-New Seasonal Yeast; Lineup News

A34 Julius: New Seasonal Strain (available until the end of May)

Imperial Organic Liquid Yeast A34 Julius


Imperial Yeast recently released A34 Julius as its new seasonal strain that’s available until the end of May. According to Imperial, “traditional American IPAs are Julius’ specialty. Bright citrus notes of orange and lemon along with light apricot-like esters come through with low to moderate hopping rates to make a perfectly balanced beer. The high flocculation characteristics of this strain make it easy to work with and produce bright, crisp ales. Excellent choice for a house ale strain but also a great yeast for a hazy IPAs when combined with southern hemisphere hops.”

Other announcements about Imperial’s core line-up of yeast strains:

A44 Kveiking is now available year-round

Kveiking A44

Imperial announced that, “due to overwhelmingly positive feedback during its summer seasonal run[,]” A44 Kveiking was switched from a seasonal strain to year-round availability starting Monday, April 13th.

“A44 Kveiking is suitable for many different styles of beer ranging from the super hop forward, clear, and hazy IPAs, more traditional American styles, as well as Norwegian farmhouse styles. Keep in mind that this is a blend of 3 different kveik strains, please expect some drift in flavor/aroma profile in each successive generation.”

Check out the official description for A44 Kveiking here.

Monastic and Workhorse were pulled from their yearly lineup.

b63 monastic                                                           b51 workhorse

Also, on April 13th, Imperial dropped B63 Monastic and B51 Workhorse from their core line-up. Although Monastic and Workhorse were unique and distinctive strains, Imperial offered suggestions for substitutions:


“In place of B63 Monastic, we propose fermenting with B45 Gnome. The B45 Gnome is a highly versatile Belgian strain, that will produce high levels of esters and phenols when fermented at warmer temps. This strain is easier to use than B63 Monastic in the brewhouse, fermenting quickly and dropping bright in a short amount of time.”


“In place of B51 Workhorse, we recommend the B48 Triple Double. B48 Triple Double is a classic Abbey strain that produces a moderate ester profile and very little phenolics. B48 Triple Double easily ferments high gravity wort.”


Have any questions about homebrewing? Call our resident homebrewer, Bill at (412) 585-2651.

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