Critical Reading: On the Philly Train Assault, the myth of Kitty Genovese, and the importance of waiting for more information

On Monday, SEPTA’s police chief made a stunning and scathing announcement: That a train full of people witnessed a sexual assault, didn’t intervene, didn’t call 9-1-1, and some filmed instead of helping. This all seemed like the Kitty Genovese story that many of us have read about. The Kitty Genovese story Here is how The … Read more

Critical Thinking: Please stop using terrible analogies

Another day, another person related to the NFL making a terrible point about Covid-19 vaccines… On Saturday, former Kansas City Chiefs fullback Anthony Sherman said that using different wristbands in training camp to show who is or isn’t vaccinated was like racial segregation. Analogies can be powerful if they are used properly. They can also … Read more

Critical Reading: Do two-thirds of Republicans really think that voting is a privilege and not a right?

I was pretty surprised to see articles saying that the majority of Republicans think that voting is a privilege and not a right. That seemed a little extreme. Plausible, but still extreme. So, I dug deeper: What the Pew Research Center’s poll said According to the Pew Research Center, 42% of the people polled agreed … Read more

Critical Thinking Toolbox: How to identify a weak argument

Although we’re pretty good at identifying a terrible argument when we hear it, we’re often persuaded by weak arguments. What’s a weak argument, and why does it matter? Let’s dig deeper: Does it matter if an argument is weak? If you care about being right, the strength of an argument really does matter. The problem … Read more

Critical Reading Toolbox: The difference between healthy skepticism and being a cynic

The purpose of critical reading and critical thinking is getting a better understanding of ideas and to get closer to the truth. In our Critical Reading Toolbox series, we’ll be covering resources and ideas that will help guide your process. Critical Reading and the importance of Healthy Skepticism Merriam-Webster defines a cynic as being “a … Read more

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